The Bible, as revealed thru the Holy Spirit, is the sole source of our faith in our walk with God our Father and the hope we have in Jesus' soon return. While our worship services will always remain grounded in the Bible, we also regularly engage one another in our understanding of what the Bible has to say, and offer to anyone interested, any of several ways to learn more. Read more of what follows to learn how you might join us as we dive into His Word..

Sabbath School
Sabbath school is a time after the worship service where we study curated lessons on the Christian journey and applying scriptures to our daily life. Discussions are relevant, real, and up close for those want more than to just express their own truth, but rather to seek what God says through His Word. We have adult Sabbath school sessions and number of sessions designed for children ages 0-14. Download the adult Sabbath School lesson app on Android or IOS.
Saturday Night Bible Class
A group session to dive further into scriptures and applications in daily life The first Saturday of the month is dedicated to issues faced by men and women with guest presenter for the two groups. The fourth Saturday will focus on issues surrounding family and singles, presented by our Family Life Ministries Coordinators.
Personal Bible Studies
We offer personal Bible studies using a proven method of instruction. We'll meet with you to discuss the fundamentals of faith and what concerns you most. The studies allow you first to review materials own your own and then meet with us to discuss any questions you may have. At the end of each meeting you'll be provided additional material for the following week to review in advance.
Meetings are short, to the point, and are intended to provide information in "bite size chunks". Our mission is that you will experience the transforming power of Jesus Christ. How you respond to Him is up to you, but we do want you to know He is very deeply interested in you. If having Bible study is something you'd like, please contact us here and our pastoral team will make the time for you.